Little Fishes @ St Peter's, Ash
Our Committee
Little Fishes is a not-for-profit, committee run, pre-school. The elected committee is responsible for the management of the pre-school and works with staff to ensure the smooth running of Little Fishes. The Committee is elected at the AGM held during the autumn term, to which all parents are invited, as we are a church run pre-school the Chairperson and Vice Chair always have connections to the church . The committee's responsibilities include personnel matters, managing finances and developing policies. It meets on a half termly basis and presents a summary of its work to parents at the AGM. The current committee members are:
Chair - Anne Wilson
Vice Chair - The Revd. Keith Bristow
Treasurers - Kelly Leadbetter. Laura Hart
Secretary - Kate Godley
In attendance: Manager of Little Fishes, Fundraising Co-ordinator