Little Fishes @ St Peter's, Ash
Ofsted Report 2019
Summary of key findings for parents
The manager and management committee show an excellent drive to achieving the highest possible standards. They use highly successful strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the setting, which lead to sustained and ongoing improvements. Staff work closely together as a highly motivated team.
Staff work extremely well with parents to ensure that each child has continuity of care and their development needs are well known. They provide parents with all the information and advice that they need in order to continue each child's learning at home.
Children's engagement in their learning is exceptional. They move around the stimulating environment with confidence and become fully engrossed in what they are doing. They are inquisitive learners and show high levels of independence.
Staff provide very high-quality teaching and they ensure each child receives the support they need to reach their full potential. They complete detailed assessments and challenge children with enticing activities that support them to make excellent progress in their learning. The manager uses additional funding extremely effectively to benefit the children.
A culture of respect for the welfare of all children is evident across the setting. Children's behaviour is excellent. They display exceptional manners and flourish in the nurturing environment.
Staff meet the children's emotional needs exceptionally well. Children separate from their parents without hesitation and are extremely happy throughout the day..

Please click on the link to read our latest Ofsted Inspection report.