Little Fishes @ St Peter's, Ash
Applying for a Place
Thank you for considering a place at Little Fishes @ St Peter's. We welcome visits from prospective parents and children, please feel free to call us on 01252 317293 or email us bigfish@littlefishes.me.uk if you would like to ask us any questions or arrange to visit. You can apply for a place by downloading our application form here - application form
or by visiting and then returning the completed form to us in person or in the letterbox outside our door.
We are a happy, caring pre-school, dedicated to providing good pre-school education to the under 5s. We are there to guide them within a safe and stimulating learning environment.
Our Aim:
To provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment, catering for every child's needs.
To enhance the development and education of children under state school age in a Church-managed, parent-involving, community-based group.
To work within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.
To deepen relationships between church and community through the partnership and care of children.
We offer your child:
Education and care for children below school age and over 2 years.
A specially tailored curriculum leading to approved learning outcomes.
Fun and friendship with other children and adults.
An opportunity for all children to consolidate their skills in preparation for school.
Opportunity for you and your family to be directly involved in the group's activities and in your own child's progress.
We are based St Peter's Church Centre, Ash and our facilities include:
large hall area
an enclosed garden play area
a covered outside area
a sensory garden
fruit and vegetable plot
on site car park for drop off and pick up.
Little Fishes @ St Peter's Ash is open term time only , Monday to Friday from 9.15am with a choice of finish times - 12.45pm or an extended lunch hour finishing at 1.45pm. Our provision caters for children between the ages of 2 and 4 years 11 months old. Early Years Free Entitlement is available to all children aged 3 and 4 years old (from the term after their 3rd birthday). They are eligible to receive up to 15 hours per week of free early years education for up to 38 weeks per year. Some families may be entitled to up to 30 hours of funding from the term after their child turns 3, more details can be found on the government choices website
We also accept FEET funding for 2 year olds. Please click the link to see if you meet the criteria.
Surrey County Council Free Child Care for Two Year Olds (FEET)
From April 24, we also accept the working family of 2 year olds funding, please check on childcafre choices website for criteria and to gain your code.
We offer a variety of payment methods including childcare vouchers, standing orders, cash and cheques to cover payment for those not yet eligible or for additional hours over the free entitlement. Please contact us for the most up to date information on fees.
Water is available to all children during each session. We offer a healthy snack time during the morning in which the children can choose from a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates such as toast, crackers or pittas and milk or water. We are adaptable for allergies and dietary requirements.
St Peters Church also run activities for young adults, children and toddlers below pre-school age, details of which can be found via their website;